2022-2023 accredited Course Calendar


Grief: Working with loss and pain, toward wholeness

Dr. Allan Donsky

September 1-30, 2022

2 Credit hours

By the end of this course, participants will be equipped to:
  • List various types of sanctioned and unsanctioned grief.
  • Describe the physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, existential and interpersonal aspects of grief.
  • Explain how developmental and family perspectives influences the ways in which children and youth experience and express grief.
  • List key practices that underlie all grieving processes.
  • Create a relevant and individualized plan to support an individual youth and their family.
  • cute little multiracial children playing with wooden blocks on table

    Exploring Autistic Wellbeing through the lens of Neurodiversity

    Dr. Heather M. Brown

    October 1-31, 2022

    2 Credit hours

    By the end of this course, participants will be equipped to:
    • List various types of sanctioned and unsanctioned grief.
    • Describe the physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, existential and interpersonal aspects of grief.
    • Explain how developmental and family perspectives influences the ways in which children and youth experience and express grief.
    • List key practises that underlie all grieving processes.
    • Create a relevant and individualized plan to support an individual youth and their family.

      The Art of Pendulating -
      “I can’t do this”, “I am overwhelmed” to
      “I got this”

      Dr. Dawn McBride

      November 1-30, 2022

      2 Credit hours

      By the end of this course, participants will be equipped to:
      • Describe the dual-process model, as it relates to managing two states of functioning
      • Describe ways to create and debrief a dual processing model using storying, visual images, and other creative strategies.
      • Articulate the immense value of integrating the somatic technique of pendulation to promote holding of multiple experiences without triggering activation and to prevent/manage burnout.
      • Medicine

        Transgender Youth & Hormone Therapy: An Overview of Medical Options

        Dr. Jane Dunstan

        January 1-30, 2022

        2 Credit hours

        By the end of this course, participants will be equipped to:
        • Explain transition as a continuum of care, and describe the range of potential interventions available for trans youth considering transition
        • Identify treatment options for post-pubertal youth who choose to proceed with cross-sex hormone therapy
        • Describe treatment monitoring for youth taking cross-sex hormone therapy, as well as medical and psychiatric considerations in this population
        • Our youth is together

          Flourishing Mindsets: Building the Foundational Strengths for Youth to Thrive

          Dr. Wayne Hammond

          February 1-28, 2022

          2 Credit hours

          By the end of this course, participants will be equipped to:
          • Explain the importance of identifying a youth’s mindset as the starting point for nurturing positive change and overall well-being
          • Describe the concept of flourishing and its implications for positive youth development
          • List the four types of flourishing mindsets and describe how to identify and engage them in meaningful ways
          • Explain the basics of brain-based learning and importance of drawing upon the four stages of transformational change (CIBE – Connect, Inspire, Build, and Empower)
          • Implement a strengths-based approach to nurture the greatest potential of youth from the “inside out” as opposed to just managing risk behavior through prescribed learning – “outside in”.
          • yoga-PKZ9JCG.jpg

            Promoting cognitive flexibility in adolescence: Interventions, programs and approaches that appear justified and those that, despite much hype, do not

            Dr. Heather M. Brown

            March 1-31, 2022

            2 Credit hours

            By the end of this course, participants will be equipped to:
            • Describe how to best promote cognitive flexibility in teens
            • Recommend appropriate interventions, programs and approaches designed to promote cognitive flexibility
            • Young children playing with educational toys

              COVID-19 and The Young Child: The developmental impact of the pandemic on infants and young children.

              Dr. Kristin Morrison

              April 1-30, 2022

              2 Credit hours

              By the end of this course, participants will be equipped to:
              • Describe how the pandemic has affected the development of young children
              • List factors which increase risk for abnormal or delayed child development
              • Identify children and families who would benefit from increased support
              • Recognize which children require specific intervention to prevent long term problems.
              • A Horizontal image /poster covering the Social Issues of child abuse, by a schoolchild sat at a desk asking for help by a written message saying Help with a sad face . Room for copy space and text

                Depression in Youth

                Dr. Frank MacMaster

                May 1-31, 2022

                2 Credit hours

                By the end of this course, participants will be equipped to:
                1. To describe the current conceptualization of depression in youth.
                2. To explain the neurobiology of depression in youth.
                3. To list novel approaches to treating depression in youth.
                4. * You will not be automatically enrolled; our Admin Support will email you once enrollment is complete.

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